Accident with the energy sector made Qala Hayat Sigorta pay

The insurance company Qala Hayat Sigorta made the biggest payment of the year (20.64 thsd AZN) one-time charge relating to compulsory insurance and disability of individuals from accidents and occupational diseases.

According to the press release, the affected employee at work was from one of the local energy companies. He lost 80% of his ability in an accident.

In Azerbaijan, there are 3 specialized life insurance companies.

The Cabinet of Ministers in November 2010 approved rates of compulsory insurance and disability due to accidents at work. Economic activities are divided into 14 levels of risk. Based on this level of risk, determined the amount of the insurance rate for employees and workers at the plant, which is 0.2% to 2% depending on the risk level of the enterprise.

By law, the insurance rate is calculated with regard to payroll for the company. There are three types of insurance payment: monthly, one-time and additional.

Insurance company Qala Hayat Sigorta has operated in the insurance market since the end of July 2008 on the basis of a license for a period of 5 years.

Until 2011, it was called Qala Sigorta.

The authorized capital of the company is 4.35 million manat.

Holders of its shares are reinsurance company AzRe (60%) and one individual - Nizami Makhmudov (40%).

Last year, the financial institution collected AZN 6 million 356.15 thsd and paid on all cases 144.17 thousand manats. - 17D-


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