Export of juice is reduced every year

In the first half of this year, the downward trend in exports of fruit and vegetable juice from Azerbaijan continued, despite the claims of the manufacturers of the growing interest in their products outside the country.

For the six months of this year were delivered abroad 4 290.8 tons of juices (including 2 542.6 tons in the second quarter) of the total customs value of $ 4,887,100, they told Turan in the State Statistics Committee. This product goes to Russia. Experts believe that the ban on food exports to Russia from Europe and the United States will have a positive impact on the dynamics of exports from Azerbaijan to this country.

According to the State Statistics Committee, last year Azerbaijani enterprises exported 9,826.8 tons of fruit and vegetable juices for a total of $ 9,931,700, respectively 14% and 12.6% more than in 2012. At the same time, exports of juice for the last 5 years were reduced by 2.3 times. In 2009, 22,658.4 tons were exported, in 2010 – 18,739.9 tons, and in 2011 – 13,744.4 tons. If in 2009 a liter of juice was shipped abroad an average of $ 0.76, in 2013 it was sold at $ 1,01, and in the first 6 months of this year - $ 1.13.

The main exporters of juices in Azerbaijan are LLC Az-Granat, JSC AzNar and JSC Gilan Qebele Yeyinti Mehsullari Istehsali. The goods are exported to Russia, Ukraine and other states.

After the entry of new producers in the market, Azerbaijan has applied protectionist policies, under which import of fruit juices is subjected to high (and informal) customs taxes. Since 2009 (14 938.2 tons) the volume of imports fell by about three times. In 2013, imports amounted to 5 449.8 tons, which is 1.3% less than in 2012. In the first six months of this year there were imported from abroad 2,659 tons of juice. If in 2009, one ton of fruit and vegetable juices imported was declared in Azerbaijani customs for $ 670, in 2013 this figure rose to $ 1,330. This year, there is an average of $ 1,210.

Note that the local production of juices is sold at retail at an average price of 1 manat, and imported brands from 2 to 4 manat. --08B--

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