Professional burglars of sites and Wi-Fi network awarded MacBook Pro

The Park Inn was the final team competition (CTF), the aim of which is to assess the ability of participants to attack and protect computer systems. The organizer is Hackathon Azerbaijan team, with the support of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan, Information Security Center and the largest system integrator of the country, RISK Company.

The competitors were given several tasks, among which the most important can be considered steganography, reverse engineering, cryptography, Crack the Box (Hack Wi-Fi network), hacking the website, as well as job-related programming. The hardest thing, "crackers" was given the task associated with cryptography - deal with it only 26 % of teams.

All eight tasks were performed only by 3 teams that shared rewards. The best team was Arif Shamistanly, Rama Hajitaliyeva and Emil Guliyev. Their reward was the MacBook Pro. -17D-

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