Russian Company BSS Won Tender of NIKOIL | Bank

The winner of the tender announced by the investment commercial bank NIKOIL | Bank was the Russian company BSS.

The bank said in a corporate news, in the framework of the contract, he will receive a software system "Internet Banking" and "Mobile Banking".

The bank had previously announced intention to have by the end of next year, about 6 million people, "Internet Banking" and four thousand people "Mobile Banking".

In Azerbaijan NIKOIL | Bank has been since 1994, when it was created by the Azerbaijan Investment Company CJSC NIKOIL.

In 1998, the AIC NIKOIL became a shareholder of the bank Ulpar. In January 2002, the Russian capital (60% of the shares at AIC NIKOIL and 40% stake at JSC Lukoil-Azerbaijan) dissolved this commercial structure, allowing in April 2002 to create investment and commercial bank NIKOIL.

On 30 June 2009 the shareholders as follows: LLC Topaz Investments - 56.3834%, JSC NIKOIL - 28.7449%, Ltd. Uralsib-Invest - 13.8717% and LLC ISR Holding - 1.00%. - 17D-


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