Bayramov Confirmed Azerbaijan's Commitment to Global Peace

Bayramov Confirmed Azerbaijan's Commitment to Global Peace

At the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister, Jeyhun Bayramov, delivered a poignant address underscoring Azerbaijan's commitment to international law, climate action, and sustainable development. Speaking to a global audience, Bayramov emphasized the critical juncture at which the world stands, facing challenges like climate change, geopolitical tensions, and rising inequality. "This is a time to bridge gaps and demonstrate that multilateralism can deliver results with a unified voice," he said, urging for stronger global collaboration.

Bayramov referenced Azerbaijan’s own history of facing violations of international law, citing the decades-long occupation of its territories and the eventual restoration of its sovereignty. "Azerbaijan has entered a new era, having restored its rights to sovereignty and territorial integrity," he noted, calling on the global community to uphold international norms without double standards.

A major theme of Bayramov’s speech was Azerbaijan’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in light of the liberation of its territories. He highlighted Azerbaijan’s progress on 17 goals, 88 targets, and 119 indicators. "The liberation of our territories has opened a new chapter in achieving the SDGs," Bayramov explained, referencing the government's massive reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in formerly occupied regions.

Bayramov also drew attention to Azerbaijan’s innovative introduction of a national goal, SDG18, focusing on mine action, which he described as essential to rebuilding communities and restoring livelihoods in conflict-affected areas. "We call for greater international support for demining," he urged.

Climate change was another significant point in his address, with Bayramov announcing Azerbaijan’s role as the host of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in November 2024. In his speech, he pledged that Azerbaijan would work inclusively with all stakeholders to drive climate resilience and sustainability. "It is imperative to address climate change as the greatest transnational challenge of the century," Bayramov remarked, warning that the climate crisis is not a future risk but a present danger.

In conclusion, Bayramov reiterated Azerbaijan's dedication to both global peace and climate agendas, advocating for bold and cooperative action. "It is only through inclusive and decisive action that we can create a climate-resilient and peaceful future for all," he stated.

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