S. Mustafayev: Relations between Baku and Brussels Are of Strategic Importance

On August 28-29, the Minister of Economic Development and the Head of the State Commission for European Integration of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev visited Brussels at the invitation of the European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Stefan Fule.

During the visit Mustafayev met with the Vice-president of the European Union, the European Commissioner for Transport S. Kallas, Stefan Fule, and Vice-President of the European Development Bank B. Molterer.

According to the press release from the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Belgium, the subject of negotiations at a meeting with Callas was a project of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and regional cooperation in the Caucasus.

Mustafayev said that full cooperation in the region is possible only after the liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.

European Commissioner Kallas expressed his full support to this project which will playing a stabilizing role in the region.

At a meeting with Fule they discussed prospects of development of relations between Azerbaijan and the EU.

Mustafayev said that strengthening the relationship with the EU is one of the strategic directions of the foreign policy of Azerbaijan. EU is one of the main economic partners of Azerbaijan and the largest investors.

Next Mustafaev and Füle signed an agreement on the financing of the Action Plan between Azerbaijan and the EU for 2012.

During the meeting with Vice-President of EDB Molterer they exchanged views on the cooperation of the bank with Azerbaijan and signed a framework agreement on the issue. -02D-


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