Scandal at the Trial of Chief Editor of "Tolyshi Sado" Newspaper, Hilal Mamedov

Baku/11.09.13/Turan : It was an emotionally tense situation at the September 11 hearing of Hilal Mamedov, editor of the newspaper "Tolyshi Sado", in the Baku Court of Grave Crimes.  This was brought on by the final word of prosecutor Tural Yusifov.

The prosecutor expressed his opinion that the judicial investigation proved the guilt of Mamedov on all three counts of treason, inciting ethnic hatred and illegal drug trade.

According to the prosecutor, Mamedov in 1992 was recruited by Iranian intelligence services in detriment of the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

In the summer of 1993, according to the investigation, " Mamedov actively promoted the declaration of Talysh - Mugan Republic and after the failure of this separatist movement fled to St. Petersburg.

A statement by the Attorney was accompanied by indignant remarks from the audience such as, "it's a lie," and, "It 's not true ."

When the attorney spoke of ties, Mamedov had with the Armenian community of Russia finally enraged supporters of the accused.

The entire audience rose to their feet, and accused the Public Prosecutor of criminal defamation and insult of Mamedov and the Talysh people.

"This is discrimination based on nationality," "This is a provocation," " This is not respect for the memory of Talysh men, who died in defense of Azerbaijan in the Karabakh war “.

The Indignation by Mamedov supporters was so emotional the prosecutor was forced to retreat, followed by the judges.

Mamedov himself urged his supporters to remain calm, but his forced withdrawal from the court caused tempers to rise even more. Judicial guards had great difficulty in calming people down and clear the room. In this case, the judicial officers were correct.

Later, Mamedov supporters were invited back into the room and judge Azer Orujov urged them to remain calm and allow the prosecutor to complete the statement.

The judge emphasized that this is a mere statement by the prosecutor and solutions will be made by the judges.

In response to demands from the audience to "remove the Armenian question" the judge agreed, saying “this question is removed."

After returning to the hall, the prosecutor limited the charges to illegal drug trade.

He asked the court to declare Mamedov guilty under articles 274 (treason ) and 283.2.2 (incitement of national, racial or religious hatred) and 234.4.3 (illegal manufacture, production, acquisition , storage, transportation , transfer or sale of narcotic drugs in large size) of the Criminal Code, which assumes a maximum penalty of 3 to 10 to 15 years in prison.

However, taking into account the mitigating circumstances, that he is the only breadwinner in the family, and his health status and age, the prosecutor offered to condemn Mamedov to 6 years imprisonment, serving his sentence in a maximum security prison.

Speeches by the lawyers are set for September 25.

Lawyer Ramiz Mamedov expressed his disagreement with the prosecutor’s statement, calling it absurd.

According to him, the prosecutor did not express his attitude to the many arguments made by the defense, including the fact that the proof was obtained illegally.

The lawyer believes that the court should acquit the defendant. -06D-



At today's hearing of the editor of Tolyshi newspaper Sado Hilal Mamedov the public prosecutor asked the court to sentence Mamedov to six years in prison.

This provoked a strong reaction from the audience, after which the prosecutor actually ran out of the courtroom.

The process will continue with speeches by advocates.

* Hilal Mamedov was arrested on June 21, 2012 on charges of illegal possession of drugs. Then he was also charged with treason and inciting ethnic hatred. Amnesty International has found him a "prisoner of conscience." -16/06D-


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