Baku/18.04.18/Turan: On April 19, no precipitation is expected in Baku and Absheron, the south wind. The air temperature will be + 15 + 19 degrees in the daytime. In the regions of the country, precipitation is not expected, except for mountainous areas, where rains with thunderstorms are expected in the evening. The wind is western, strong. The air temperature in the low-lying areas will warm up to +24 degrees, in the mountains will be up to +12 degrees. -05D-
On Wednesday, rain is expected in the capital during the night and morning hours. The northeast wind will change to the southeast in the afternoon. The air temperature at night will be +7 to +9°C, and during the day, it will reach +10 to +12°C. Humidity will be 70-75% at night, and 60-65% during the day.
Amid the bustling scenes of this year’s COP29 climate conference, a protest against whaling and deep-sea mining, organized by a group calling itself the FINS Initiative, drew significant attention from delegates and observers. However, questions have arisen about the legitimacy of the group, as an internet search yields little evidence of its existence beyond scattered mentions.
In the last two days, a "news" story appeared on TikTok about a whale spotted on Baku's seaside boulevard. The most "observant" users posted videos, commenting on the size of the animal. Later, other "witnesses" claimed it wasn't a whale, but a shark. Even later, a version emerged suggesting it was a submarine.
Social campaigns conducted by the leading operator in cooperation with the Judo Federation secured multiple awards at Türkiye's prestigious “Felis Awards”
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