Salyan activist is forced to reject a lawyer ?

A member of  Salyan NGO "Promotion of Democracy" Tofig Gasimov refused the services of an independent counsel Alaifa Hasanov, Turan was told by Hasanov.

Gasimov was arrested in the administrative order for 10 days on charges of disorderly conduct on April 4. Arrest term expired on April 14, but was not released,  and it  was reported that a lawsuit was filed  against the activist under   the Article 182.1 "extortion."

On April 14  a lawyer Hasanov arrived in Salyan from Baku, but  was not allowed to  meet with the arrested. On April 15 the lawyer appealed to the prosecutor, and  only after a long tape he could  obtain a meting with Gasimov.

"There are only three  or five meters from a place of detention  of Gasimov  to the office of the of the investigation department, but the process  of bringing Gasimov  there lasted for hour and a half," said the lawyer.

Hasanov said  that Gasimov refused his services , and said that  his lawyer will be his uncle (father's brother.)

"It was clear that  Gasimov  was under pressure. Yesterday I felt the pressure is  made  on  his relatives too. They did not want to sign a contract with me, although previously they themselves  signed an agreement  on protecting  the rights of  Gasimov when he was arrested in the administrative order," said Hasanov.

According to him, while  for now Gasimov is a suspect  Period of  the decision  on detention will expire on April 16.

Previously  the  head of the NGO "Promoting Democracy" Emil Mammadov reported that there was a provocation against Gasimov, and  police was falsifying  the case against him and Mammadov. So , the police summoned the heads of local institutions and enterprises ,demanding to testify against activists.    NGO "Promotion of Democracy" is one of the most active civil society institutions in the southern region. Its head Mammadov repeatedly publicized cases of corruption in the structures of the district authorities, and protected civil rights of local residents.—06B-

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