The position of civil society in Azerbaijan continues to deteriorate

Unprecedented  repression  against civil society in Azerbaijan which began in 2014 have  intensified in 2015. The government suppressed the critical voices by filing lawsuits, interrogations, fines, searches, a ban on travel abroad and arrest of bank accounts, reads the statement released today: "Index of sustainable development of civil society organizations in 2015 - Azerbaijan", prepared by the USAID (United States Agency for International Development), based on expert survey. According to the report, many NGOs have been forced to substantially limit the activities of self-censorship imposed by limiting the work on public advocacy. As a result, in April 2015 Azerbaijan's membership in the International Transparency Initiative in the mining sector has been reduced from full membership to the candidate.

The deterioration of the atmosphere of civil society, took place against the backdrop of a sharp decline in oil prices in world prices, which caused the economic decline in the country and two devaluations of the national currency during the year. Parliamentary elections were boycotted by the opposition on the part of the background of failure to conduct ODIHR election monitoring because of government restrictions.

Rating "legal environment" NGO, in comparison with 2013 year deteriorated from 5.6 points to 6.4 points on 7-point scale. Among the main problems is the continuation of the practice of unjustified refusals in registration of NGOs, as well as the new Cabinet regulations that complicate the work of foreign donors and representatives of international NGOs.

Ratings on the criteria of "organizational capacity" (5.7) and "financial capacity" (6.3) .This is due to the forced departure from the country of several international organizations. In particular,  was closed the  OSCE Office in Baku, which implemented projects to support civil society.

 The  Oxfam, Counterpart International, World Vision and Save the Children had to leave Azerbaijan . Many local NGOs have suspended operations due to lack of funds and  de facto ban on the grant.

Thus, dropped  the rating "Public Advocacy", amounting to 5.9. For the same reason,  reduced the amount of "Public Service" NGO, the rating on this indicator was 5.9. Indicator worsened "Infrastructure", which amounted to 5.5. Thus, the regional public internet centers have been closed due to limited financial resources.

As a result of the negative atmosphere created around NGOs by the  pro-government media has worsened and the indicator "public image" of civil society - 5.7 The overall index of sustainable development of civil society organizations in the country in 2015 was 5.8, worsened by several points in comparison with 2014 (5.1 .) -06D-

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