I would have called Ramil Usubov journalists friend on July 24. It is hard to believe, but this is true. Owing to Usubovs instruction, Prosecutors Office once again failed to stop Agil Halil from leaving the republic and the trap arranged in Bakus airport on July 24 failed. I wouldnt have called that Usubovs love for democracy, but we should admit without Ministers order fate of that guy would have been unclear.
     We again witnessed the conflict between Interior Ministry, Ministry of National Security and Prosecutors Office, which started after the olivewood scandal and the so-called case of gays that disgraced Azerbaijan. They failed to intimidate and force the 25-year-old correspondent to his knees. In a civilized country such Ministers must resign or they are ignominiously dismissed.
     In May 2008 Agil Halil has been attacked twice on one day close to subway station and his house. Afterwards foreign diplomats demanded that authorities should safeguard his security. Since that time Agil was guarded by two officers of Interior Ministry. One can say for sure that thanks to them Agil evaded many troubles and probably, stayed alive.
     This is the story told by Agil himself. During the visit to Gusar region the journalist and his guards have noticed the shadowing. Several cars followed their car. In one of the restaurants a young lady approached Agil Halil and offered him her sexual services. Several minutes later another lady has offered him the same. I have realized that this is a provocation, which goal is to accuse us of immoral behavior and arrest us. We have been forced to urgently leave the restaurant and refused to stay this night in the hotel. Weather was rather warm and we have put a tent in the open air, but we could not fall asleep, because of noise of cars around us. The one thing that surprised me most of all is that the pursuers knew that I am accompanied by Interior Ministrys officers, but they did not care about that, Agil said. Agil did not know who followed them, but it was easy to guess. (Just imagine the level of confrontations between the Ministries, if they acted in such a hostile manner against each other).
     In this situation it was very important for Agil to leave the country, because another provocation against him was just a matter of time. The problem could hardly be resolved without assistance of foreign embassies. But even diplomats efforts run against serious and even irresistible obstacles. The journalist was not let out of the country twice, despite preliminary agreement between Foreign Ministry and presidential administration. Foreign diplomats were shocked at such a behavior of officials, because they could not understand whom they had to find an agreement with in this country?
     The events in Bakus airport on July 22 at night have shocked even worldly-wise people. The day before this event high-ranking officials have given their consent to Agil Halils departure from the country and he arrived in the airport accompanied by his guards and French Consular. But frontier service once again stated that they will not let Agil out of the country, because he is wanted by Prosecutors Office. Even the police detachment has been called for his detention. And here the order given by Ramil Usubov has played its decisive role (Ramil Idrisovich should have given such orders more often!) It is easy to guess the order, if two officers beat five policemen and threatened police Major at gun point using bad language. Agils guards have not allowed searching Agil and his luggage. (It is not ruled out that pistol could be found in his bag during checkup, as it happened with Rasul Guliyevs niece.) The French Consular watched the happening shaking his head.
     One can say for sure another provocation has been planned against the journalist and they could put something into the journalists bag to have a chance to arrest him. But they failed only thanks to Agil Halils guards. It is absolutely clear that these guys rather carried out the order, than protected democracy and freedom of speech. But one should admit that they acted like heroes and I would like to shake their hands.
     I think that situation was much more interesting behind the scenes. On the next day a high-ranking officer of frontier service actually confessed to Agil Halil that his detention in the airport was illegal, but they are not blame for that.
     Why did Prosecutors Office try to arrest the journalist after such scandals, which disgraced the country? I think Prosecutors Office and National Security Ministry cannot forgive the journalist, because event in the olivewood has been brought to public and become subject of discussions on the top. Till now OSCE special representative for press freedom Miklosh Kharashti cites Azerbaijan General Prosecutor as saying that he has ordered to show video records of investigation on television channels, calling that an unprecedented phenomenon. In the statement made after his visit to Baku Kharashti has actually accused Prosecutor of incompetence and demanded dismissal of National Security Ministrys officers, who beat the journalist on February 22. They realize that they have to answer for all these consequences and somebody will be found guilty without fail.
     Reliable sources reported that National Security Ministry claims that this has been organized by Americans and Ramil Usubov has helped them. Usubov has allegedly organized March 13 events to shift the blame on National Security Ministry. According to another version, Ramiz Mehdiyev stands behind that, because he is dissatisfied with growing influence of National Security Minister Eldar Mahmudov and is looking for the ways to discredit him. There is one more version that after the journalists beating in the olivewood on February 22 Interior Ministry leaked information about National Security Ministrys officers.
     The journalist has accidentally appeared to be in the centre of all these intrigues and provocations. The Ministries used the situation and the dirtiest methods to get even with each other.
     Position of President in this situation is unclear. It seems like he is least of all interested in the exaggeration of international scandal, negative image of the country and criticism. But once allowed the Ministries to resolve the conflict by themselves, President has aggravated the situation.
     Numerous precedents prove that the rulers could skillfully find the ways out of such situations using one person from their entourage as scapegoat. Those, who were very active in Agil Halils case, should bear that in mind.

Shahin Hajiyev

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