Group of companies Synergy Group brings its authorized capital to 50 million manat

Today, the State Committee for Securities registered the issue of JSC Synergy Group totaling 35 million manat, after which the charter capital of this group, which brings together about 30 companies in various fields, is to reach 50 million manats.

Formally placing the company's securities will be by a mass method. Usually the issued shares are acquires by the existing shareholders.

Founded on January 25, 2010, JSC Synergy Group had a registered capital of 100,000 manat. In April of the same year, the founders (Ashraf Kamil oglu Kamilov -99% and Said Huseyn Oglu Aliyev -1 % equity interest) have decided to bring the capital to 15 million manat.

Since that time, the group grew "by leaps and bounds." Today, the team has more than 1 100 employees. Only this year, three companies (LLC Synergy Sport, Synergy Development and "Synergy Techics) have been founded with registered capital of 10 000 manats each. The group of companies includes several hotels, a university, industrial and agricultural enterprises, an ICT company, etc.

Note that according to the audit report "Industry - Construction Investment Corporation Accord" in 2012, Ashraf Kamilov actually manages and controls the company. He also owns an 8% stake of AtaBank, 0.1% of the shares of Bank VTB (Azerbaijan), and possibly other companies in Azerbaijan and beyond. - 08B -

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