Osman Gunduz: "Development Startup - green light"

As part of a long-term project at the University of Azerbaijan Startup "Khazar" followed by a meeting of the leading local programmers, developers, experts and other representatives of the IT sector.

According to the president of the Internet Forum Osman Gunduz (http://xeberler.az/site/shownews.php?news_id=7077), defines the conditions of competition, the activities of the Startup Weekend, schedule of presentations and meetings with potential investors, the finalists of their work.

The meeting represented the team project called Startup Kinotap (team members: Amid Guliyev, Shaig Muradov, Sadiq Rashid and Murad Safarov).

According to Gunduz, the development of new thinking for youth will be continued in Sumgait on April 27 with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the general sponsorship of the mobile operator Bakcell. Sponsors - Microsoft Azerbaijan and Infipro.

Visitors can take an active part. Extensive information about the project is available at www.startup.az.

Photo materials from the event on the page https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.512409962151673.1073741830.486851951374141

Telephone (012) 492-44-44, e-mail info@startup.az.







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