Under-construction Tunnel Road Junction in Galaba Square Reaches Completion Stage in Baku

Akkord Corporation is proceeding with successful implementation of Galaba Square project which envisages construction of a split-level tunnel road junction

The work on implementation of projects for ensuring traffic regulation and modernization of road infrastructure in Baku is continued in accordance with the order of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Based on the errand of the head of the state and the order placed by the Ministry of Transport, Akkord Industry Construction Investment Corporation OJSC is implementing the project on regulation of traffic, elimination of jams and establishment of movement without traffic lights in the area of ??Galaba Square located around Ganjlik subway station. The project envisaged construction of the tunnel road junction (2,512 meters long) with 16 entries and exits as well as 10 pedestrian crossings. Turkish Company Pro Yap? Proje Insaat. Tic. Ltd is a controlling consultant supervisor of the project designed by Singaporean company.

Tunnel road junctions shall link Ataturk Avenue with Vagif and Tabriz Avenues. The latter will be connected to Ataturk Avenue through Ahmad bey Aghaoghlu Street. Apart from this, vehicles coming from Tabriz Street will be able to get into Darnagul highway through the tunnel without entering into Ganjlik circle. Vehicles running from Vagif Avenue will get into Ataturk Avenue by crossing below FKKhoyski Avenue. Meanwhile, they will also cross over Hasan Aliyev Avenue.

The total area of ??roads that are planned to be built within the framework of the project makes 110,000 m2. Traffic rate in the area of Galaba Square will rise from 2,340 auto / hours up to 10,986 auto / hours. Average speed in tunnels shall be 50-60 km / h.

Maximal and minimal road waves along the junction will total 5.6% and 0.5% respectively. The road junction which is under construction on Vagif Avenue will cross above the tunnel of Ganjlik subway station.

The project envisaged construction of additional two new exits for pedestrians at Ganjlik subway station. Apart from this, the location of the entry into Ganjlik subway station from the direction of Ataturk Avenue was removed right up to the center of Galaba square.

A tunnel # 6 which is a part of this project was commissioned on December 12, 2012.

The length of the covered section of tunnels which are at stage of completion totals 908.2 meters. Their total length, width and height make 2,512 m, 8 - 15.5 m and 5.5 m respectively. The number of traffic lanes laid on the road is 5.

27,000 m2 of fire-resistant glass fiber-concrete materials were applied during the construction of tunnels. The lighting system is one of the peculiar features of these tunnels. The internal lighting system of the tunnel stands out for its quality, efficiency, safety and long-term service life. It is the most advanced lighting system operating on basis of Light-Emitting Diodes (LED). The lighting system is controlled via computer.

The lighting system, which saves power by means of switches, is considered to be a very efficient system from the standpoint of safety and long-term service life. 9,000 units of LED were installed on the sidewalls and the ceiling of the tunnels. Up to 20,000 noise reduction panels were also set in the tunnel. 2,868 units of searchlights installed in the ceiling of the tunnel operate in several modes - day mode, night mode and emergency mode. 2,400 units of guiding lights (cat's eye) were set on traffic lanes.

A generator with the capacity of 260 kW and a rectifier unit were installed in the tunnels for ensuring non-break power supply. Electricity cables used in the tunnels were made of inflammable isolation materials. Emergency power supply unit is launched in case of electricity cut off. Over 60 surveillance cameras were installed in tunnels.

21,000 rm (running meter) of granite road curbs, up to 100 light poles and 14,500 m2 of marble sidewalks were laid on internal and approach roads of the tunnels.

Apart from this, VMC panels were installed in the entries of the tunnels. The panels indicate names of streets, directions of traffic lanes, speed limit, tunnel template, time and meteorological data.

All lighting equipment, used in the tunnels, was produced in England. Cables and control devices were produced in Germany and the USA. Foreign specialists took part in construction and controlled testing work.

500 people working for Akkord Corporation were employed within the framework of the project. Besides, the subcontract workforce numbering about 300 people and up to 190 units of special equipment were mobilized.

Operations running at Galaba Square have reached the completion stage. -08d -


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