VTB Bank (Azerbaijan) Announced New Tender

JSC VTB Bank (Azerbaijan) has announced a tender for the project " enterprise service bus (ESB)" for the Bank.

In evaluating the bids, preference will be given to the following criteria: the most rational tender offer and quality specifications. Bids must be submitted in a sealed opaque envelope no later than September 19, 2013, 16:00 in head office located at the address : Baku, Nasimi , Khatai Ave , Building 38 .

Proposals that do not meet the previously announced technical specifications of the tender commission will not be considered. The tender commission of JSC VTB Bank ( Azerbaijan). Contact: Secretary of the Tender Committee R.Sultanov Mobile: 050 286 00 87 Phone: 012 492-00-80, 012 437-71-20 ( ext. 1252 ) Fax: 012 437-71-21 . -15D -


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