Arrest of Mehman Aliyev  is political order - lawyer

Baku / 25.08.17 / Turan: Today's accusations against Mehman Aliyev and the subsequent court decision on his arrest until November 7 are an attempt to intimidate all free-thinking people and show that no one can feel safe, even if he has not violated the law, stated the lawyer Fuad Agayev. All the charges brought against Mehman Aliyev are absolutely far-fetched and unreasonable, and have no legal grounds, further noted Agayev. In particular, the charge under Article 192.2 - "illegal business with the extraction of a large scale income." There can be no question of illegal entrepreneurship. This means work without state registration, without a license, if the activity requires special permission. Agency Turan has been registered for many years. And for the provision of news agency services a license is not required.

As for Article 231.1 - tax evasion, the investigation went on to open violations. It refers to the data of the on-site inspection, but there is no act in the case. The agency always submitted tax returns and was subjected to desk checks.

In addition, according to the results of a desk audit for 2016, the agency was assessed taxes in the amount of 3,000 manats. However, after the complaint to the tax authority was confirmed its unreasonableness.

If this decision remains in force, the agency was again charged with a new tax debt, which is a complete violation of the law.

Article 308.1 (abuse of power) cannot be at all. For Aliyev was the founder of the agency and had all the powers. Therefore, the charge is completely unreasonable and illegal. The arrest is the result of a political order, the lawyer stressed. He also pointed out that the decision to detain was signed yesterday at 18:20, but already at 16:45 the pro-government media reported the arrest of Aliyev. The decision on the arrest will be appealed, he said in conclusion. -06B--

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