Средневековая географическая карта Золотой орды. Фото: wikipedia.org (планисфера Андреаса Валшпергера)
- What do you think about the war ongoing between Azerbaijan and Armenia?
- Thousands of people in many countries of the world are deeply concerned about the events taking place in fraternal Azerbaijan. Currently, people are dying on both of the warring sides, including civilians - women, old people, and children. These are thousands of ruined lives and crippled destinies, sacrificed to someone's political ambitions. This is a real tragedy. There are calls from politicians in many countries to end hostilities. For some reasons, some people call for the immediate liberation of the occupied territory. The invaders of a foreign land who violated the sovereignty of an independent state, contrary to all norms of international law and UN resolutions, must leave it. Not a single country in the world has recognized the occupation regime of Nagorno-Karabakh, not even Armenia itself.
How would we accept the calls for a peaceful solution of the conflict at the time when the German-fascist invaders had seized 20 percent of the territory of the Soviet Union? Would we then condemn the actions of soldiers with weapons in their hands, liberating their homeland from the brown plague for driving out the enemy? Did we peacefully, at the negotiating table, resolve the issue with France when Napoleon seized and burned Moscow? This position is surprising in its absurdity and double standards.
At all times and among all peoples of the world, the protection of the motherland, the native land from foreign invaders was considered a sacred duty. We must pay tribute to the wisdom and patience of the Azerbaijani people and the leadership of the country, who for thirty years have waited and hoped for a solution to this issue through peaceful negotiations.
- Very often, the Russian television presents the Azerbaijanis as aggressors...
- The speech of anti-Azerbaijani, anti-Turkish, and in fact anti-Turkic and anti-Islamic propaganda, which often comes from the screens of Russian television, causes extreme indignation. Statements that openly provoke incitement to ethnic hatred are sometimes heard from the well-known politicians and high-ranking officials. These actions, in fact, contribute to undermining the foundations of the state structure.
We often hear in the media from officials about the strengthening and unity of the Slavic «and» Russian world and this is perceived as quite normal. However, as soon as it comes to the cultural, economic and political rapprochement of the Turkic peoples, an unimaginable cry begins. In the unification of the Turkic peoples, some grief politicians predict a great threat to the country. Very often, this hysteria on behalf of the Russian people is raised by people who are far from Russian nationality.
Therefore, certain conclusions and unambiguous questions arise:
- In which countries of the former republics of the Soviet Union do Russians feel most comfortable living? Answer: in Turkic-Muslim countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, etc.
- In which countries is it less comfortable for Russians, with which countries does Russia have problems? Answer: This is, first, Christian Armenia and several other post-Soviet countries such as Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Ukraine.
- Where is the largest Russian diaspora in the Transcaucasian countries? Answer: In Azerbaijan.
- Why do the representatives of the Russian media very poorly hear the voices of the representatives of the Russian people living in Azerbaijan, who make appeals and ring the bells in despair? Maybe because they wholeheartedly support the just actions of Azerbaijan?
- Where, in which countries of the former republics of the Soviet Union do the number of the Russians is the least? Answer: In Armenia.
Why do a huge number of Russians prefer to spend their holiday, do business, buy housing and live in Turkey, from which certain circles are trying to make an enemy?
- In which of the republics of the former Soviet Union the largest number of Muslim mosques were destroyed and demolished? Answer: In Armenia.
- Where, in which of the former Turkic-Muslim republics of the Soviet Union, are Christian churches being demolished? Answer: Not in one, but in Azerbaijan, on the contrary, they are being restored.
Why Christian Georgia and Ukraine support Muslim Azerbaijanis and not Christian Armenians? Answer: Because they understand that justice is on the side of Azerbaijan.
- Which of the peoples have close historical ties with the Russians, besides the Slavs? Answer: With the Turkic peoples. According to the statements of many scientists, significant parts of the Russians are representatives of the assimilated Turkic peoples. A huge number of outstanding personalities in the history of Russia are of Turkic origin. This is also evidenced by the large number of Türkic words (Türkisms) in the Russian language and Türkic place names in a large territory of the country.
- Why did the Hungarian leadership become an observer in the Cooperation Council of Turkic Countries? Answer: In addition to the fact that a significant part of the Hungarians officially speak about their Turkic origin, they see reliable partners in the Turkic countries.
- Why does Ukraine, like Hungary, want to join the Council of Turkic States? The answer is the same.
-Why should Russia support Armenia, which seeks to sever relations with Russia and enter NATO, burns Russian flags at rallies and calls Russia an occupier?
- Why do those who have dual citizenship, have homes abroad and whose children do not study in their native country teach us how to love the Motherland?
- Why should they act as political experts in our country, advising with whom to be friends and with whom to be at enmity, very often persons of Armenian nationality, who in fact are representatives of a foreign state? Perhaps the Armenians are very talented and capable people. However, I do not think that other peoples are less talented and capable.
- Why, when discussing strategically important issues for the country, we very rarely see representatives of the second largest people after the Russian people - the Tatars? Do you very rarely see the Bashkirs and representatives of the peoples of the North Caucasus?
- In 2019, a high-level agreement was signed between Russia and Turkey, according to which 2019 was declared the Year of Culture and Tourism between the two countries. The purpose of this agreement was the rapprochement of cultures and the strengthening of friendly relations between our peoples. A reasonable question arises, what was the media coverage of this agreement and events held in the light of the document signed by the Presidents of the two countries? Almost none.
There are many such questions to ask, and a reasonable person has something to think about it.
- In the Russian leadership, strange, to put it mildly, political lines can be traced not only in relation to Azerbaijan, an independent state, but also in relation to some Russian nationalities.
- Any steps taken by Russian politicians should proceed from the positions of strengthening the unity of the country, strengthening friendly relations between all peoples living on its territory, because this is a guarantee of peace and political stability.
All nations are equal before God. They must be equal before the law. The ideology imposed by a certain circle about the special exclusivity of their people is a dead-end ideology that ultimately leads them to a tragedy, bringing troubles to other peoples.
According to the classics of the Eurasian historical school (P.N.Savitsky, N.S. Trubetskoy, L.N. Gumilyov and others), the formation of Russia as a Eurasian power began in the 14th century, during the stay of the Russian lands in the Ulus Judji. The Russian historian Vadim Rudakov in one of his speeches noted that, “the Russian aristocracy in the 11th-16th centuries spoke the Turkic language. Medieval sources irrefutably testify that the Russians and the Turks have common roots and a centuries-old history of close, intimate relationships."
In 2013, an excellent scientific book (monograph) by the Russian scientist G. A. Tyundeshev (Haramoos) entitled “Great Khan Batu - the founder of the Russian statehood” was published, which aroused keen interest of both domestic and foreign readers. This work not only reveals many hitherto unknown pages of history, but also contributes to the strengthening of friendly relations between the peoples of Russia. In his book, the author writes, “For a long time, the Golden Horde was for the Russian aristocracy and princes the most important source of legitimacy and prestige of their power. The Russian aristocracy was a continuation of the khan's court, which was dominated by other, different from the ancient Russian, orders, which could not but affect the consciousness and behavior of the Russian political elite, which gradually absorbed the imperial spirit of the Horde statehood. The state created by Khan Batu still exists, although the state language is now Russian (a mixture of Slavic and Turkic).
Russian scientists D. A. Elkhov, A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky believe that in the middle ages there was bilingualism in Russia. Almost everyone spoke Russian and Turkic. Y. A. Elkhov, in his book “Was there a Tatar-Mongol yoke” published in 2008, states: “Medieval Russia was a bilingual country. Russian people then spoke two languages: Turkic (common Tatar) and Russian (Church Slavonic). "Of great interest is the author's assumption about the close relationship between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, which requires more thorough research and understanding. On this occasion, Y. Elkhov writes, “We can talk about the religious and political community of two medieval states - Turkey and Russia, which were united into a close union, something like a federation. Russia and Turkey during this period were united not only by the general state arrangement ... ."
After the split of Russia-Horde, Western European ideologists, fearing a rapprochement between Russia and Turkey in order to restore the empire, with the help of skillfully developed ideological methods on religious and political grounds, unleashed a long-term bloody war between these countries. In such an ingenious way, the guaranteed security of Western Europe was ensured” (Yuri Elkhov. Was there a Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia? Moscow, 2008, pp. 109,110, 136).
There is documentary information about the Turkic-Tatar origin of the Russian tsars Ivan Grozniy (the Terrible), Boris Godunov, Peter I, Alexander Nevsky, as well as a number of outstanding personalities in the history of Russia. In N. Baskakov's work "Russian surnames of Turkic origin" (1979), "Velvet Book" by Bantysh-Kaminsky, "Russian Bifliofica", "Arab stories" by M. Karataev, in the book by A. Khalikov published in 1971 in Argentina "500 Russian surnames of Bulgaro-Tatar origin" and others. There are a lot of princely, boyar, county, ancient noble families originating from Tatar (Turkic) ancestors. Some researchers suggest that 50% of Russians are Russified Tatars (Turks), and 25% are Finno-Ugric tribes.
In connection with the campaign against "pan-Islamism" and "pan-Turkism" that began in Russia, significant damage was inflicted on the Turkic peoples. In order to disunite numerous Muslim peoples and successfully wage a fight against Islam, it was necessary to limit the role of the Turkic language as a language that binds Muslim peoples and is, in fact, the second most important language after Arabic, widespread in the world arena of Muslim peoples. Behind the fight against the so-called pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism is the desire of certain forces to split society into opposing sides and thereby weaken the state.
Russia's appeal to its Asian (Turkic) roots, close political and economic cooperation with the Turkic-Muslim states is a guarantee of stability and successful development in all directions. Tatar (Turkic) Muslims, having united a huge territory of Eurasia in the Golden Horde, thereby unwittingly contributed to the creation of objective prerequisites for the emergence of the Russian Empire. It is no coincidence that in his letters Ivan the Fourth liked to emphasize his succession from the kings of the Golden Horde."
Few people know that the model on which Karamzin, Soloviev, Rybakov and all official history wrote their works, was introduced into the minds of Russians by the grandson of Scottish kings, a Catholic and a Freemason, Jacob Bruce. Where and how his armchair manuscript appeared, no one knows. However, it became a blueprint for other Russian historians. According to him, under his leadership, the first Russian historian Vasily Tatishchev in the 18th century created a fundamental work "History of Russia from Ancient Times", where logic and facts came into blatant contradiction with each other. Gone are the mentions of such a country as Desht-i Kipchak, a power stretching from the Far East to the Atlantic, a country that was paid tribute to China, the Roman Empire, and the Byzantine Empire. The term "Tatar-Mongol invasion" brought in 1823 Naumov, a teacher of St. Petersburg gymnasium; later the term was adopted by some pseudo-historians and politicians.
“The Russian Empire in the past and the Russian Federation in the present, in fact, was and is not a purely Russian state, but has always been a Russian-Turkic state. Russia was a breakaway part of the Golden Horde, which over the centuries absorbed other parts of the Golden Horde. Even today, the Turkic component of Russia remains quite high. These are 10 Turkic republics, which make up 15% of the population and 21% of the territory of Russia” (A. Salpagarov. Turkic states of the Caucasus and Crimea). Even in the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedic dictionary published in 1891, it was noted that, "the Tatars had a tremendous influence on the state, social and family life of the Russian people."
Many Turks live in Russia. We naturally consider Russia our homeland. The historical homeland of the Turks is also Russia. It is necessary to take into account the fact that there are Turkic countries around Russia. If we unite and work closely in the sphere of politics, culture and economic, then it will be a huge force, that everyone in the world will have to reckon with.
Medieval geographic map of the Golden Horde. Photo: wikipedia.org (Andreas Walsperger's planisphere)
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