How Many Mobile Phones in Azerbaijan?

From January to October in Azerbaijan imported 55 900 mobile and other (except fixed) telephone sets valued at $ 3,095,400, the report of the State Statistics Committee. In relation to the October 1 last year it was minus 4.8 and plus 28.4%. This means underestimate for import under the priority of expensive products. Overall, currently in the database IMEI codes of Azerbaijan registered more than 13 million. 9.5 million cell phones on. Residents. About half of them imported by "black" and "gray" schemes imports.

As Turan was told by one of the dealers of the capital, the situation has affected the compulsory registration of IMEI-code mobile devices imported to Azerbaijan in order to both personal use and implementation. If earlier left the production of Chinese production was 80%, now its market share does not exceed 20%. However, the new system, only half of the year, because it still has little influence on the overall situation. Under the terms of the registration codes, companies involved in the import of mobile phones are in the structural units of Ministry of Communications and High Tech AR certificates of conformity and a unique code that is assigned to the device by the manufacturer. The very same registration of mobile phones for personal use carried out in post offices and service centers of mobile operators.

Previously it was assumed that the number of imported mobile devices for personal use will not be so great. The fact that in a country of 13 million. Fixed devices, have contributed to the void in the legislation that gave rise to the flow of smuggling and tax avoidance. Devices placed on the market are smuggled, sold at extremely low prices, and the burden you log them in a database IMEI-code lay on buyers. This was the reason that the service desk has become chargeable, but not to block access to illegal shipments.

According to him, the growth of imports by the "gray schemes" (when the official distributor lowers import volume) affects the official statistics on deliveries to the country of mobile phones. That is, in fact, the importation of goods is not reduced, and the numbers are artificially lowered, which is beneficial for the customs officers and to the detriment of the state budget. Incidentally, the trend in the official reduction supplies to Azerbaijan mobile devices is stored in the last two years. --17D-

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