In 2013, the tax authorities will be obliged to collect 8.2% more

In 2013, the Ministry of Taxes will contribute 6.4 billion manat to Azerbaijan's state budget, which is 8.2% higher than forecast for the current year (5.91 billion manat). The share of the Ministry of Taxes in the income of the state budget for next year will amount to 33.4%.

According to the draft state budget for 2013, it will mainly receive profit tax (2,279 mln), VAT (AZN 1,776 mln) and income tax (783 million manat).

The share of non-oil sector will be 58.8% (3,760 mln) of tax revenue. It is expected that in 2013, revenues of the state budget through the Ministry of Taxes will increase by 480 million manats (14.6%).

In the next financial year, companies headquartered in the capital are to pay taxes (other than income tax) to local governments. As a result, it is expected that in addition to Sumgait and Absheron the city of Shirvan will repay its expenses of the budget.

Total 2013 revenues of local budgets (except the budget of Baku) will amount to more than 500 million manats, AZN 100 million exceeds the figure for the current year. - 08D-


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