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The formalization of the bill called "Censorship Law" in the parliament is not a step born out of necessity; on the contrary, it is the product of the outlook of 1-2 people in the state apparatus and, most likely, the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party, Devlet Bahçeli, a minor partner of the ruling bloc. In 1878, when there was not only social media and a fair press, this type of law passed by the order of the padishah could not have an effect on the writers: some were arrested and exiled, and those who were not arrested wrote romance novels and waited for the end of the period of oppression (for example, like Halid Ziya Uşaklıgil, the author of the novel "Ashk-i Memnu").

Undoubtedly, the head of state also knows this, and his saying to Abdulkadir Selvi, one of the writers of the partisan media, in the form of "Do what you need to do" is actually an acknowledgment of the fact that the partisan media, which he created after 15 years of hard work, has no solution to the problem. If at least half of the people who use social media in the country express their opinion without regard to the law, how are you going to ban it? How many thousands of these people must be arrested to achieve the goal?

What will be the result for the ruling bloc if such a law is passed before the election (the fact that AKP+MHP deputies took pictures in the parliament in honor of this law was also remembered as a wonderful event)? If a wave of arrests begins when the law is not followed, how will it reverberate at the ballot box?

No, if the current law is not respected, how will the ruling bloc benefit from this law? While the articles of the law were adopted, the main opposition leader Kılıçdaroğlu met with scientists, technology experts, and Turkish youth in the United States. Did the AKP government, which was looking for hidden points in Kemal Bey's visit, succeed in doing so?

It is not known for now. MHP leader Bahçeli continues to be suspicious of the main opposition leader's visit: "Kılıçdaroğlu's visit to the United States is suspicious. It is suspicious from A to Z. What was promised to him, what did he promise? Who did he meet for the presidential candidacy?”

After the adoption of the new "Censorship Law", an explosion in a coal mine, again and again, raised the question of government responsibility, and it became clear that in the last 10 years, the highest number of deaths in coal mine accidents in the world occurred in Turkey (the highest number in the last 150 years was also recorded in Turkey: in 2014, 301 miners died in an accident at a mine in the Soma settlement of Manisa province).

With the head of state attributing the last accident to “fate”, the cries of the opposition about "responsibility" will be drowned out. However, in the same statement, Mr. Erdoğan's words, "Hopefully, we will do our best to bury mine accidents in history using all the possibilities of technology and all methods of management" - create hope.

Most likely, due to the mine accident, the reaction of the US State Department and European institutions to the "Censorship Law" will be delayed for several days. However, Ankara's response to the inevitable reactions is already clear: “Do not interfere in our internal affairs, do not provoke.” I am looking forward to Ankara's reaction to the Council of Europe's declaration of Russia as a "terrorist state". Because Turkey has not recognized the annexation of Crimea to Russia since March 2014 and reacted to the annexation of 4 regions of Ukraine to Russia in the form of "We refuse". While Turkey's withdrawal from the MIR system, which is Russia's windpipe in international financial operations, has not yet had an impact on relations, it is possible that the decision of the Council of Europe may force Turkey to take certain steps.

In the current situation, Vladimir Putin is doing everything Mr. Erdoğan says, either out of compulsion or as a diplomatic move: delaying the payment of the natural gas debt to Russia until 2024 is one example. It seems that the Kremlin owner's strategic plans for Turkey are so extensive that it has also proposed the creation of "gas storage facilities" for the sale of Russian natural gas to Europe.

It is interesting that after the US Secretary of the Treasury sent a warning letter to the Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance and the largest Non-Governmental Organization representing big capitalism "not to deepen commercial and economic relations with Russia", there is no news about the gradual development of economic and commercial relations between the two countries. It will take time to guess what that means.

And at that time, we will see whether the head of state Erdoğan listens to the words of the West...

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