Press Review 27 March 2018

Investing in the regions, reducing the number of banks, and the number of young people in the country are among the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that the regions have become attractive for investors. The author on the example of Agstafa gives an assessment of investing in the regions. So, as a result of socio-economic reforms in Akstafa, the crop production increased 2.9 times, industry - 2.2 times, agricultural production - 2 times, the construction and installation works - 8.6 times, and the average salary in the region - 1.4 times. Last year, 34.8 million manat was invested in the region, out of which AZN 25 million was foreign investment.

The newspaper Echo writes about the insolvency of most banks in the country to issue loans, as the withdrawal of deposits continues. The number of deposits is decreasing, and distrust of the banking system remains.

Another problem is that Azerbaijan lacks full-fledged control over the targeted use of credit funds.

The website writes that in the next 5 years, the reduction of youth in the age of 15 to 29 years is expected. The number of this age group will decrease by 320 thousand people. In February this year the number of economically active population decreased by 1,500 people. For one month, this loss is great. Further, the author gives figures on the dynamics of the population by age groups. -0 ---

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