NO PROSTHESIS FOR SOUL (or are you pederast?)

    There is a popular anecdote. Two friends have met. One of them had
    a book in his hands.
    - What is this? asks one.
    - It is Logics.
    - What is this?
    - Let me explain. Well, do you have aquarium?
    - Yes.
    - Then it means that you like nature, fishing and hunting.
    - Yes, I do.
    - If you like fishing, then you like to eat, drink and women.
    - Yes.
    - If you like women, then you are not pederast. This is logics!
    - Nice! Give me the book to read.
    Then this man with book meets another acquaintance.
    - What is this?
    - This is Logics.
    - What is it?
    - Let me explain. Do you have aquarium?
    - No.
    - Then you are a pederast
    I have remembered this anecdote when read statement of General Prosecutors Office about investigation of case of Agil Halil, Azadlig dailys correspondent. Prosecutors logic reminds of the anecdote. It seems like we are living in anecdote! A month and half long investigation, which started by police and continued by Prosecutors Office, has ended in three pages statement disclosing conspiracy of gays against respectable Azerbaijani publicity. And these agents of international organizations tried to deceive the Azerbaijani society.
    Headline of statement of Prosecutors Office is fantastic: Case of Azadlig Dailys Correspondent Agil Halil Based Not on His Professional Activities, but on Relationships Following from Immoral Actions.
    What are these immoral actions? In our puritanical society this is may be prevention of open advertisement of homosexuality on television channels. But, Prosecutors Office, probably, follows European legislation, which guarantees equal rights to sexual minorities and all other citizens. There is a feeling that moral norms have nothing to do with this case. Prosecutors fantasy is aimed at proving that the correspondent is homosexual and he was wounded by one of his offended partner. While reading this detective story, I thought that its author is earning money on the side by writing scenarios for soap operas. It is not surprising that they are absolutely untalented.
    As a convincing proof, Prosecutors Office mentions telephone calls and indecent SMS sent from the journalists phone to numbers of his partners. But investigation did not present any proofs and mobile operator does not confirm presence of such calls and messages!
    When investigation was brought from city police department to Prosecutors Office on March 20, the direction had suddenly changed - from February 22 events in the Olive grove to homosexuals. I dont know how to explain such an interest, but I have some suspicions. Prosecutors Office did not even mention attack on the correspondent in the Olive grove. There is a suspicion that somebody tries to cover all that happened and related to the Olive grove. Why did investigation need this farce, if it is objective?
    Scale and self-confidence of investigators shows that this was order from the top. General Prosecutor himself confirmed that and told Miklosh Harashti that he has instructed to show the scandalous report about Halils ties with gays on television channels. Why do investigators not want to involve employees of National Security Ministry into the investigation, whom the victim has recognized and confirmed that they beat him in the Olive grove?
    Answers to these questions are much more serious and important than that is happening around the journalist, because this bears direct relation to conflict within the government and struggle for spheres of influence.
    None of journalists is able to find the compromising materials that officials have brought against each other during these weeks. Agil Halils case has been used by high-ranking officials to sort out their relationships. Another blow has been delivered at Azadlig daily and Azadlig bloc. In this context interests of all opposition opponents coincided: to launch the campaign to blacken the forces boycotting the forthcoming presidential elections, depriving power of aura of democracy. The recent confession of head of public-political department of presidential administration that there are no political forces in the country able to boycott elections is another confirmation. All authorities forces are aimed at ensuring oppositions participation at elections. For this purpose even some support opposition leaders have received access to television channels and other forms of backing. Today authorities main goal is to create democratic background for the future victory so as nothing could cast a shadow on it. It also tries to avoid statements of OSCE, Council of Europe and European Union, which sound as a verdict after each election in Azerbaijan. One could say for sure that such a negative attitude of authorities towards Kerimli, Azadlig bloc and Azadlig daily is accounted for this fact.
    The most interesting fact that other media, but not Azadlig daily, first reported that National Security Ministrys officers are involved in beating of Agil Halil. These newspapers boosted the scandal, adding new details to it every day. But they had no problems. Where did they receive confidential information from? What was the goal of people, who provided secret information to press, and who stands behind these people?
    While we are thinking about that, I would like to speak about role of Western democracies, for which democratic opposition is pinning great hopes. The opposition leaders do not conceal their disappointment with attitude of Washington and Europe towards the events in Azerbaijan. In the past time Western leaders often confess that energy resources outweigh democratic norms. Former Secretary General of Council of Europe said in a private conversation: It is difficult to build democracy in the country rich in oil. Western diplomats also often say: We cannot build democracy instead of you. If you are reconciled with the happening, what can we do? Sincere people say that the situation will go on like this, until oil comes to end. Some people try to persuade themselves and us that authorities have political will and desire to have independent press and strong opposition. There are also people like Escudero and their number is growing.
    The phrase foreign countries will help us is not urgent. It is applicable to those, who is looking for asylum.
    The current candidate for the presidency in U.S., Senator John McCain visited Baku on October 2003 on the eve of presidential elections. I asked him a question during a meeting organized by the U.S. embassy Dont you think that if West accepts violation of democracy, then Azerbaijan will be deeply disappointed in democracy and it will follow the path of Islamic radicalism like Iran, which previously was a strategic ally of Washington? McCain answered that he has discussed these issues with Premier Ilham Aliyev and he promised to take measures to correct mistakes and take into account complaints during the pre-election period.
    Senator stressed that Washington attaches a great importance to role and place of Azerbaijan, as the key country in the region and U.S. reliable partner. For this purpose it is necessary to strengthen democracy and conduct fair elections in Azerbaijan. But U.S. does not back any candidate for the presidency. Azerbaijani people must elect leader by themselves, added Senator.
    Questioned why U.S. shuts its eyes to blatant violations in the pre-election period, Senator McCain admitted inactivity of U.S. State Department. He said U.S. Deputy State Secretary Armitage and U.S. State Secretary Powell warned Ilham Aliyev about importance of democratic elections. Senator also said that U.S. will not support leaders, who have not been elected by population, and assured that U.S. has drawn conclusions from Iranian events. In conclusion McCain admitted as an experienced politician: You must know one thing nobody could force anybody to do something or order somebody to do something. We just can urge to observe the obligations, which the government has undertaken. U.S persuades Azerbaijani government and demands that it should provide equal conditions for all candidates for the presidency, equal access to media and equal conditions for political struggle. And at last a lot will depend on Azerbaijani electors, who must decide who will be their president, added Senator.
    Elections in 2003 and all further events have shown role and importance of all assurances and promises. Politicians and all those, who are dealing with politics, must realize that. I would also like to make two more examples. Linn Pasco, U.S. State Secretary Assistance, arrived in Baku right after the presidential elections in 2003. While opening the meeting with journalists, he has made a brief statement: Gentlemen! Ilham Aliyev is a President and this matter is not the subject to discussion. We can speak about all other things.
    I would like to remind to absent-minded people that politics is not based on moral laws, but on political reasonability. It means that international community does not care about hundreds of thousands of refugees and occupied territories (as Azerbaijan does not care about victims of Rwanda, Darfur and Somali!)
    Here is another example. In the early 1990s a group of national movements activists visited Nakhchivan and was received by Heydar Aliyev, leader of autonomy. The deceased Aliyev did not conceal his intentions to return to power. But question of one journalist has made his crazy. Do you believe that people will accept you, because your name is still associated with glorifying Brezhnev and flattery of Moscows authorities and propaganda of Communism? Flashing with anger Aliyev shouted: Remember! There is no notion flattery in politics, there are only interests in politics!
    The reader could ask does this bear any relation to problems of press and, particularly, Agil Halil? Aliyevs phrase gives answers to all questions. At one of the meetings with media editors he was asked if he is concerned about image of Azerbaijan, which is always criticized by international organizations for violation of democratic norms and corruption? The deceased president said: You cant even imagine scale of their own corruption!
    What conclusions could be drawn from this reality?
    If we are really responsible for this country and care about its future, we must learn our children to be good people, but not informers or flatterers. Is this is our national mentality? Do you believe that young people watching programs of Leader television channel will spill their blood to protect interests of the society?
    Do you remember final monologue of colonel Slade (Al Pacino) in Scent of a Woman movie? Case of a group of teenagers charged with hooliganism against school director is tried at the disciplinary committee in elite college. Colonel defends one of them Charlie Simms, witness of the hooliganism, who refuses to testify against others under the threat of expulsion from the school. Real organizer of the act of hooliganism refuses of his previous evidences, but he is not expelled, because he has a high-ranking patron. Being displeased with his refusal, director wants to expel him from the college accusing him of false evidence.
    Colonel addresses members of the disciplinary committee: What is the motto of your elite school? Be a sneak and save yourself or we will execute you!? You are building a ship for rats and informers, you are not bringing up men.
    You would like to amputate Simms` soul this is the worst you could do to a man, because there is no prosthesis for soul! Simms did not betray himself to buy future. This is courage and integrity of soul and this is exactly how the person must be.
    Now Simms is on the crossroad and choosing how to live. He has chosen the principles, but this is the hardest way. Simms` future is in your hands, do not betray him and one day you will be proud of what you have done for him, I promise you! says colonel.
    Future of Agil Halil and many young people like him is in our hands, sirs. Their choice depends on us: either they will devote themselves to principles and refuse of bribe, (as it happened with Agil after February 22), or they will learn to take money shutting eyes to our troubles.
    I would like to be proud of them.

Shahin Hajiyev

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