Ilham Aliyev Approves Law Expanding Powers of Security Forces

The Azerbaijani President approved amendments to the legislation aimed at strengthening the fight against terrorism and religious extremism. They had been adopted by the Parliament the day before. This innovation expands the powers of the security forces and limits the rights of religious leaders who have been educated abroad.

In particular, article 26 of the law "On Police" has been amended, giving police the right to use firearms when countering terrorism and religious extremism, as well as crimes aimed at changing the constitutional order.

In article 18 of the Law "On Citizenship" an addition was made of loss of nationality for participating in terrorist activities and actions to violent change of the constitutional system of Azerbaijan. It also provides for religious extremism or "military training abroad under the guise of religious education, for taking part in religious conflicts abroad" and the involvement of others.

In addition, the Criminal Code has been introduced a new article - 168.1.2, in which foreigners and stateless persons will be punished for the conduct of religious propaganda by imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. In the case of doing these acts repeatedly or on preliminary arrangement by group of persons the penalty will increase to five years in prison.

They also made amendments to the law "On freedom of religion", suggesting that Muslim religious rites may only be conducted by citizens of Azerbaijan, who have received the domestic education. For those receiving religious education abroad, the ceremony will be banned. For violation there is a penalty from 1,000 to 5,000 manats (from 1,050 to 5,250 US dollars) or imprisonment of up to one year.

According to another amendment, religious paraphernalia demonstrations are banned outside places of worship, in public places. Attributes, including religious flags may be displayed in places of worship, religious centers and institutions.

The Code of Administrative Offences has been amended on the responsibility of parents whose children do not attend school. So, for the absence at school for more than seven days in a month there is a penalty of 100 manats ($ 105). In all likelihood, this innovation is intended to prevent some believers from not allowing their daughters to school because of the ban on wearing the hijab in secondary schools.

In addition, a separate law "On combating religious extremism" has been approved. The law provides for special operations against religious extremism. To this end, the zone of a special operation can be determined by the appropriate law enforcement agency.

In this zone the movement of vehicles and pedestrians may be temporarily restricted, or even prohibited, as well as admission of vehicles and individuals.

At the entrance and exit of the zone trucks and things of individuals may be physically inspected.

Law enforcers are free to enter the apartments, houses and yards of individuals and objects of legal persons, and detain persons impeding the realization of special operations to neutralize extremists' resistance.

In addition it is allowed to suspend the provision of utilities and telecommunication services in a special operation area.

Legal persons engaged in religious extremism are prohibited and eliminated.

It should be noted that these measures are more relevant to those presumed in the state of emergency, which is to be approved by Parliament.

Thus, the security forces have a permit to introduce such a regime themselves, which from the point of view of human rights is a serious question.

At the same time, law enforcement agencies had already begun such measures before the adoption and entry into force of the law. This took place in Nardaran. -06D--


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