Landslide in Shamakhi, 12 private houses are under threat

Baku / 04.04.18 / Turan: On April 4, a landslide occurred on the territory of the city of Shamakhi (120 km west of Baku). Land reclamation was recorded in the 48th quarter of the city, Turan was informed about this by the chief consultant of the department of architecture of the Executive Power of the region Dilgushcha Mamedova. The landslide process, according to her, intensified as a result of snow and rain that fell in recent days.

Landslide processes were recorded in 2016. The territory was inspected by the specialists of the Ministry of Ecology, documents were prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

There are 12 houses in the activity zone. At the same time, seven buildings are in the emergency state, and three houses are dangerous to live. In the houses there were cracks, around the houses the ground was raised, the fences failed.

All these houses were built recently, and only in one of them people live, Mammadova said, noting that no decision has been made yet on the fate of these buildings.-05B-

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