генсек НАТО Йенс Столтенберг

генсек НАТО Йенс Столтенберг

Baku / 27.03.18 / Turan: A wave of expulsions of Russian diplomats and scouts under cover, launched on Monday, is ongoing on Tuesday. Today, the expulsion of the representatives of Russia was announced by Australia and Moldova. By the end of the day, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, announced the expulsion of seven more representatives of the Russian Federation.

He announced that the accreditation of seven Russian representatives under the alliance would be withdrawn in the framework of diplomatic measures taken by European countries against Russia against the backdrop of an investigation into the attempt on ex-colonel of Chief Intelligence Agency, Sergei Skripal.

"Today I canceled the accreditation of seven representatives of the Russian mission to NATO," Stoltenberg said, adding that NATO will also not approve three requests for accreditation from Russia. Over the past few days, 24 countries have decided to recall Russian diplomats as a sign of solidarity with Britain amid accusations against Moscow of involvement in the poisoning of S.Skripal and his daughter in the British Salisbury in early March. A total of 140 diplomats were recalled, including from Britain, the United States, Canada and a number of European countries. -02D-

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