Discussing the situation in the field of press

 On Monday,  representatives of the Azerbaijani media, Western missions and international organizations accredited in Baku, discussed the problems of distribution of printed media.

The meeting was attended by the heads of the newspapers "Ayna-Zerkalo", "Azadlig", "Yeni Musavat", Turan  agency, the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety, as well as representatives of the EU mission, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the USA, Germany, UK, France, etc.

Editors informed about the sharp deterioration  of the situation in the distribution of the press, resulting in the elimination of stalls GASID distribution company and the rejection of the new stalls of the Mayor Office of Baku, selling periodicals.

During the last year more than 400 stalls GASID selling newspapers and magazines for ten years,  about 300  stalls  have been destroyed.  Instead,  new kiosks are being  installed intensively, which sell mainly food. The  situation with the spread of printing  media in the regions is worse. 

As a result,  the sales of the newspaper "Yeni Musavat" and "Azadliq" reduced by third time. Debts  of distributors of  these newspapers totaled 8,000 and 28,000 manat. Especially in difficult situation  is "Azadlig" newspaper, which can not  pay its debts  to the publishing house "Azerbaijan".

The meeting of editors in July with the head of the socio-political department of the Presidential Administration, Ali Hasanov, did not have results. Despite promises of Hasanov, the  problem  has not been solved, and even deteriorated. 

The editors expressed their views on the ways of resolution the problem, and asked to pay more attention to economic situation  of independent media in Azerbaijan, including in the advertising media.-0-


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