Press Review - 18 April 2018

The development of the country's economy in the first quarter of 2018, the rules of earnings in the regions, and the growth of suicides are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that Azerbaijan, which is fully self-sufficient, achieved considerable successes in the first three months of this year. The author quotes the statements of President Ilham Aliyev at the meeting of the Cabinet, dedicated to the first quarter of this year - these are digital data on the economic development of the country. The author claims that in 15 years there was not any unfulfilled promise of the government.

The website writes a 51% increase in suicides, while in Belarus the number of suicides has decreased by 5%, and in Russia - by 13%.

While in 2016 the number of suicides in Azerbaijan amounted to 327, then in 2017 it was already 495. The author believes the reason is psychological, socio-political and socio-economic tensions.

The newspaper Echo writes about the salary level in the capital and other cities of the country, and about ways of citizens' search for earnings. The highest salary level in Baku is over 500 manat. Then follow Ganja, Zagatala, Guba and Lankaran.

Compared to other cities, in these cities the salary level is slightly higher, and unemployment is slightly less.

Meanwhile, the State Statistics Committee reported that the average monthly nominal wage in Azerbaijan as of March 1, 2018 was 510.8 manat ($ 300.5 at the current rate), which is 2.2% more than the index of the same period last year.

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