Robert Mugabe - a wealthy dictator of a poor country

Robert Mugabe, who has been the cause of many disasters in Zimbabwe since the last century, left this world at 95. This recalls the notorious proverb about the desire to live until the second coming than a feeling of envy about a quality and long life. I also recalled that several years ago I came across an article related to Mugabe that made me think. It said that President Mugabe celebrated his birthday very luxuriously, and spent $ 1 million on it. Members of the ruling party, bought gifts, and arranged this "birthday" for the "national" dictator. Then they appealed to God asking not to deprive the unfortunate nation of the care this greedy leader who has been ruling the country for 40 years without tiredness and shame.

The modern history of Zimbabwe and the state of the country's economy say a lot. The population of this country located in southern Africa is about 15 million people. In terms of national income per capita, it occupies an "important" place among the poorest countries. So, in 2013, this figure was $ 590, although some sources claim that today it has reached $ 2,000.

In Zimbabwe, the number of unemployed is 85% of the total population, that is, by 6-7 times more unemployed than those employed. Inflation in this state is the highest, and the value of the national currency is the lowest in the world. To buy bread, here you need to take 1 billion Zimbabwean dollar to the store by arba. A country in which political and economic freedoms are very poor traditionally ranks the last in terms of welfare , but the dictator of Zimbabwe, despite his old, lives in luxury.

On his birthday, which Mugabe has been celebrating annually since 1987 (when he came to power), a cake is prepared for him, weighing as much as he was turning his age. The annual "stable" expenses for the celebration of his birthday day ranged from $ 600 thousand to $ 1 million. This "majestic" day must have been celebrated with luxury, even if half the country is starving to death. This happened in a country that was ahead of many by the number of unemployed, in a state whose population was saved from starvation by eating insects collected in the desert. Due to the drought, more than 3 million Zimbabweans survive only thanks to humanitarian aid coming from the United States and Europe. This a century old man since 1987 cannot cope with the painful desire to solemnly celebrate the days of the angel, regardless of the general welfare of the country's population. He broke all records as the oldest president in the world.

Despite all this, in his 92 years he is still in power. Although in these years it is unlikely that a person can rule the country normally, because due to age problems, it"s difficult for him even in everyday life without assistance. It is interesting that Mugabe, who was even called the classic dictator, came to power in the 1970s, winning the election as the leader of the struggle for freedom.

Unlimited power led not only to the bitterness of Mugabe as a politician who was "elected" 7 times a head of state, but also to the destruction of his consumer culture as a person. Therefore, non-recognition of any boundaries is the basis of the tragedy not only for the country and its leader, but also for just a person.

Poor country and rich president

Zimbabwe is not the only such country. In many Muslim states, poor governance and theft of national wealth by the authoritarian regimes reigning in them, who arranged for themselves a fabulous life, led to a sharp deterioration in welfare, a decline in the living standards of the people. As the wealth of the heads of these states grew, their population became only poorer. It is particularly striking that 22 of the 48 poorest countries in the world are Muslim. The paradox is that the heads of the Muslism countries are among the richest people in the world.

Of course, being rich is not reprehensible. Today, many in the world think how to gain wealth? How should other members of the community treat wealthy people? Two different answers are possible here. The radical answer of the left: raise taxes! Well, Christians offer to evoke a sense of guilt among the rich, to awaken their conscience by showing them the miserable life of the poor! In this regard, perhaps, it is important that there is a certain correlation, a correspondence between the life of the head of state and the average person, so that the first one can feel the pulse of society. If spirituality, piety determine the essence of your being, then even having all the worldly blessings at your disposal, you will not allow yourself to take something that does not belong to you. Or, the presence of high responsibility and the limit of free choice can also limit your desires and curb your passions.

Until the requirements of the progressive laws of the world reign in these countries, everything will continue in the same spirit as under the ancestors. The worse the economic situation is in such countries, the more authorities flourish, and the wealth of their leaders grows. Against the background of insignificant incomes of the population, the authorities will continue to take a large share of national wealth.

All this is the main reason for many tragic situations in countries, including Muslim ones, with an authoritarian regime. With Mugabe and without changing the essence of the system, Zimbabwe could not be reborn, and people simply existed, but did not live a full-blooded life. If after the death of Mugabe the essence of the system, the nature of the regime change, perhaps Zimbabwe will be different.

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